What is The Best Time of Year to Move House?

As everyone knows, the moving house, flat or office is quite stressful process, so it is quite important to do some preparation. Seems the hardest work is to find a new property, apply for a mortgage and pack everything up, but unfortunately the hardest part is to find a good and reliable moving company.

Also, its very important to choose the best time of year to move your house. Factors like weather, holidays, children school holidays, moving company availability e.c. Lets take a closer look to each of the factors.

Weather – lets make it safer and easier for everyone.

The weather is very important factor you should consider, when planning your move. Of course, you never know, when it will be raining or snowing, but it would be important to do your move, when its not wet and slippery. These conditions make harder job for movers and, also, these conditions can create hazardous conditions for carrying and transporting heavy belongings. The last thing you want is for your removers to injure themselves or break your possessions.

Holidays – everyone wants holidays and holidays are the busiest time of moving.

Free days off work and bank holidays can create useful opportunities to move house without having to use too much vacation time. But lets not forget, at the major holidays – Christmas, Eastern and other Bank holidays, best moving companies might be booked out and you will be ending up with some kind of moving company, that can make your move even stressful.

Days off at work – might be a good opportunity to move.

If you choose to move on working day and not on bank holidays, it might be a good opportunity to find a good moving company for decent price. At less busier times, there is much more chance to move quicker and easier without a much of hassle. It is something you would like to consider, even you are loosing your work holidays exchange of a stress free move.

Moving with children – school holidays.

Moving with children makes your move even more challenging, but, if you plan everything accordingly to school holidays, it might be a life-saver. But lets not forget, what we mentioned in previous section, that holidays is the busiest time of move.

Conclusion – moving is stressful, but choosing a right time will make it easier.

In choosing what time of year to move house, it will be worth remembering that you won’t be the only person looking for a new place to live. So take in consideration all the above points and you definitely will make your life easier.

For a stress-free move at any time of the year, visit our website at Easy Man and Van Removals.




